Zweite Ausgabe des Newsletters “RECOVER”:
INGEDE intensiviert die Kommunikation mit der Papierkette
In the new edition 3/2007 of INGEDE’s newsletter RECOVER you will find:
- Alarming experiences with “single stream” collection of paper together with other recyclables in the U.S.: Papermills report 17% contaminants in the sorted paper, increased cost of landfill, increased costs for replacement and maintenance in the deinking plant.
- After the focus is being shifted from quality of recovered paper to quantity of recyclables, major papermills in the UK cancel their support for WRAP and its “Recycle Now!” week. “PaperChain”, an initiative of the UK paper industry (, launches the “Campaign for Real Recycling”
- INGEDE and CTR (Austria) develop a NIR sensor to detect and separate flexo printed newspaper from recovered paper for deinking
- News from the European Recovered Paper Council EPRC
Download edition 3/2007 of INGEDE’s RECOVER here: pdf version (592 kB)
To receive a printed version or to get on our mailing list, please contact INGEDE.
Additional Web links:
– Effectiveness of recycling processors sorting commingled curbside recyclables. From Metro’s website (Portland, Oregon in the U.S.). With link to an article in Resource Recycling magazine (April 2006) which summarized the results of Metro’s FY 04-05 field study that looked at the ability of six Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs) to sort commingled recyclables from households into individual commodities.
– What is PaperChain? Information about paper recycling – generic and in the UK
– Paper recyclers have withdrawn their support for the “Recycle Now Week” campaign. Article at
– First Annual European Paper Recycling Award
– CTR (Carinthian Tech Research) is a research institute in Villach, Austria. The current edition of the “CTR times” reports about the cooperation with INGEDE: “Europas Papierhersteller forschen bei CTR” (623 kB, German only)
Earlier editions of
At a press conference in Stockholm at the SPCI2005 Conference and Exhibition, INGEDE introduced the new magazine RECOVER.
How does paper recycling work? What are the problems? How can paper recycling be improved? Not only consumers, also many partners of the paper industry know little about paper recycling. With “RECOVER”, INGEDE’s novel newsletter, the International Association of the Deinking Industry tries to inform printers, ink manufacturers, publishers, producers of adhesives, communities, recyclers and other members of the paper chain as well as their associations.
RECOVER will periodically inform about technological improvements, trends and activities in paper recycling.
- The second issue (April 2006) deals with a new forum to discuss the deinkability of digital prints and a survey of the current market, INGEDE’s new Country Representatives, old and new flexo inks, magazine and advertising flyer wrappings and the new “European Declaration“.
- The first issue (May 2005) informs about digital prints, about paper collection in Switzerland and the UK and about the „unknown“ recycling friendly adhesives as well as about the INGEDE Seminar in September 2005 in London.
RECOVER will be distributed at paper industry events like the upcoming ZELLCHEMING Conference and Exhibition and is also available from INGEDE on request (e-mail