INGEDE Symposium 2022
on Wednesday, 9 March
both online and on location in Munich
The recycling paper industry needs raw material – fewer newspapers, fewer advertisements due to the Corona pandemic and due to increased electronic communication leads to decreasing amounts of paper for recycling.
Also, too much of the paper for recycling bypasses the sorting plant and thus the deinking mills, going directly into packaging – here due to the “Amazonitis” the demand is ever rising.
Extensive packaging is not sustainable, even if it is fibre-based. And especially white fibers should stay where they generate the highest value. Even if sorting means effort, sorting is necessary to keep white fibres available for new white, graphic paper; for hygiene papers and white top liners – and to keep it from downcycling.
Availability and quality are the key issues for the INGEDE Symposium 2022. Expert speakers will show options for future sustainable raw material management: By certifying sorting plants to avoid costly refusals and negotiations, certifying paper and print products for optimum recyclability, and by developing sorting technologies to save more white fibres for the white cycle.
5th International Exhibition of Print Technology for Industrial Manufacturing
15–17 March 2022 | Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany
The comprehensive and specialised conference programme at InPrint Munich offers an exciting insight into market developments and innovative projects. The presentations focus on technology trends, new applications and the latest print technology solutions for industrial manufacturing.
On Wednesday, March 16, Axel Fischer of INGEDE gave a presentation on Waterbased is not necessarily green – (how to cope with) inkjet inks in the paper recycling process.
Events 2020
Specialty Paper and Packaging online 2020
20 October 2020
Beyond their use – the after-life of paper products
online-Presentation by Andreas Faul, INGEDE (download presentation here)
April 11, 2019, Vienna, Austria
The Austrian Ecolabel – Obligations for Digital Printing Processes – Deinkability of Printed Products
Höhere Graphische-Bundes-Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt
Axel Fischer gave a presentation on
Deinking of Digital Printing Processes
Green claims or finally green?
“Open House” at Königsdruck in Berlin on Thursday, 4. April 2019 with information about the deinkable LED-UV ink, that has been introduced by Siegwerk at the INGEDE Symposium. With Axel Fischer of INGEDE, Christian Schmidt of Siegwerk Inks and others.
More about this event.
INGEDE’s press release about the deinkable LED-UV ink
Siegwerk’s press release about the deinkable LED-UV ink
TAGA in Minneapolis: A leading conference about printing with a lively discussion bout recycling.
TAGA, the Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, is an association of experts from industry and science, who work in research and technological development in the field of graphical communication. Since 2013, TAGA is part of Printing Industries of America (PIA), the lagest community in the field of “Graphic Arts”. At this year’s TAGA Conference in Minneapolis Axel Fischer for INGEDE explained the process of paper recycling in Europa and the resulting challenges by different digital printing processes and UV offset prints.
More about the presentation on the website of taga.org
Daniel Dejan of SAPPI highlighted the ink-on-paper in comparison to digital communication. He showed how the sense of touch influences readers’ perception and retention of media, especially of brand and marketing communications.
‘Haptic Brain, Haptic Brand’ (similar presentation on YouTube 2017)
“Our true competition is alternative media” (similar presentation on YouTube 2013)
Events 2018

19-20 September 2018
IMI Europe Digital Printing Conference
Barcelona, Spain
In his presentation at the IMI Conference, Axel Fischer of INGEDE asked Is Inkjet Still a Challenge for Paper Recycling and Deinking?
Printers want to go green. Some think, water is green, just because it is water? It isn’t always.
Water soluble inks in printing are not necessarily environmentally friendly. Cheap dye-based inks dissolve during the recycling process, staining the fibre rather than leaving the mix in a process designed to remove 1) hydrophobic 2) ink particles.
Deinking has soap bubbles rise to the surface, pulling hydrophobic ink particles up and away. Here dyes and inks with hydrophilic small particles make a print behave like a red sock in a washing machine – staining all the fibres in the system, not just the one they are intended to colour.
Better systems are available: The presentation gave an idea how to do it. You can download the pdf here.

“Healthy Printing Symposium 2018” in Lüneburg, 14. September 2018
On behalf of INGEDE, Thomas Krauthauf gave a presentation on
“Recycling of Graphic Paper Products – Challenges and Trends” (download pdf here).
24.–25. April 2018
PTS-Fachtagung “Altpapier im Fokus”
- Altpapier als Rohstoff für die Papierindustrie
- Altpapier-Stoffaufbereitung in der Papierfabrik
Mit einem Vortrag von Andreas Faul zum Thema “Bewertung der Deinkbarkeit – Modernisierte Methode und neue Ergebnisse” (pdf zum Download)
October 4–6, 2017
International Scientific Conference on Print and Media Technology for junior scientists and PhD students
Chemnitz, Germany
For INGEDE, Andreas Faul presented on the Recyclability of printed paper products, download the pdf here.
10–13 September 2017
44th International IARIGAI Conference
Advances in Printing and Media Technology – From Printing to Manufacturing
Fribourg, Switzerland
IARIGAI the premier annual conference covering all aspects of printing and media technology
Axel Fischer of INGEDE gave a presentation on New Printing Processes – Challenges for Paper Recycling
(Download pdf of presentation here)

On behalf of INGEDE, Axel Fischer gave a presentation on
“UV Inks, Nano Inks, Indigo, and Inkjet − Known and New Challenges for the Deinking Process” (download pdf here, 5,5 MB).