November 2019

Paper-Based Packaging

Recyclability Guidelines

“How to specify and design paper-based packaging in a way to ensure high quality recycling by the paper industry”
By CEPI together with other industry associations.
How can the value chain, including retailers and brand owners, specify and design paper-based packaging to support the recycling process?
There is a growing expectation from consumers, brands and retailers that the packaging they use is recyclable, as part of a global ecodesign approach to reduce its impact on the environment. Producers and recyclers of paper-based packaging are committed to delivering on this expectation.
The recommendations here in will allow the value chain, including retailers and brand owners, to improve the recyclability of paper packaging products in the paper recycling process.
In Englisch language only – download here.

Reduced Exports to China not Compensated yet:

Recycling Rate of Paper Slightly Decreasing

China importiert weniger Altpapier, weniger als die Hälfte gegenüber den Vorjahren. Das wirkt sich auf die Recyclingrate von Papier und Pappe aus, denn trotz mehr Recycling in Europa und Exporten in andere Länder sank die Recyclingrate in Relation zum verbrauchten Papier leicht auf 71,6 Prozent. Auch der Rückgang beim Verbrauch von Zeitungspapier mit hohen Recyclingraten wirkt sich hier aus.

Details in the recently published Monitoring Report 2018 of the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC), download here.