Who we are and what we do
According to its statutes, the purpose and objective of INGEDE e. V. as a non-profit association is to contribute to maintaining and improving the recyclability of graphic print products. This mandate is to be implemented primarily by the following means:
- Environmentally sound and efficient use of recovered paper in the production chain;
- Promoting and coordinating research and development projects in the field of deinking and in techniques that have a significant impact on the recyclability of printed products, such as in the areas of paper production, printing inks, printing systems, adhesives, and their application, etc.;
- Supporting manufacturers, developers, and users of inks, printing materials, and adhesives for the paper chain to maintain and improve the recyclability of printed products containing such materials;
- Promote the development of the collection of paper for recycling and sorting systems that facilitate recovery and focus on the benefits of recycling;
- Raise consumer awareness of the associated environmental and cost benefits, e.g. through pre-sorting of paper for recycling;
- Influence the development of regulatory requirements and environmental legislation in Europe;
- Public relations in Europe to raise awareness of the requirements of the deinked paper industry, both among the general public and the relevant decision-makers.