White Fibres are a valuable resource
INGEDE Autumn Symposium on October 1st, 2020, at Leipa in Schwedt/Oder
Packaging protects. From touch, from dust, from moisture, from air, from damages. Modern packaging is multi‐talented. Especially if made of paper & board, especially in competition with plastic. Packaging is a valuable resource that has to be recycled to a high‐quality material. The conflict of objectives is pre‐programmed – functionality and appealing design on the one hand and the best possible recyclability on the other. Helping to ensure that white packaging remains in the white fibre cycle is a goal that INGEDE has set itself.
These are the topics INGEDE would like to discuss with you and with leading experts at its Autumn Symposium on 1 October 2020 as guest of Leipa in Schwedt/Oder. Almut Reichart from the German Environment Agency will provide the template for the day. Smaller households and thus smaller package sizes, especially now due to the Corona pandemic an enormous increase in online trade – the share of packaging in recovered paper is increasing even faster than it already is.
Peter Désilets of Pacoon will present examples of fibre based packaging as a meaningful alternative for plastic. And Bernd Büsing, Head of Corporate Packaging with Nestlé Germany, will talk about the challenges for the food industry to pack their goods.
And what are the challenges in the recycling of paper packaging? A research project aims to define clear criteria for the recyclability of a paper product, including paper packaging. Lydia Tempel from PTS in Heidenau and Prof. Samuel Schabel from TU Darmstadt will present the results of the project.
In addition, LEIPA offers a visit to the paper mill in the afternoon of September 30, 2020, with the new paper machine PM 5, launched in 2018.
The venue for our hybrid event is already booked out, but it is still possible to attend virtually by registering for the live stream provided with simultaneous translation!
Register now for the INGEDE Autumn Symposium!
Downlad the registration form here!
White fibres are a valuable resource!
Visitors on site can experience paper production at first hand the day before – on your laptop we will show you Leipa even closer: Paper for recycling is the raw material – here it becomes new products! Your questions will be answered live, as if you were right in the middle of the action.
A panel discussion “Design for the Circular Economy” will conclude the day.
So, where will you be on October 1st? On location in Schwedt or in front of your laptop?

September 30, 2020
15:30 h Guided tour to the LEIPA mill, visiting the mill with the new papermachine PM5 (operating since 2018), one of the most productive plants for White Top Testliner from 100 percent paper for recycling
Get-together at Hotel Altstadtquartier (Brauwerk), Schwedt, dinner
October 1st, 2020
8:00 Registration, Coffee
8:45 Current challenges in development of paper recycling in Germany (Robin Huesmann, LEIPA)
Fibre based food packaging as a solution for the circular economy (Bernd Büsing, Nestlé)
Criteria for the evaluation of recylability (Almut Reichart, UBA)
The Paper Packaging Initiative of the German paper industry (VDP) (Martin Drews, VDP)
10:15–10:45 Coffee Break
The INFOR 214 Project in the European context (Lydia Tempel, PTS, and Samuel Schabel, TU Darmstadt)
Fibre based packaging as a meaningful alternative for plastic (Peter Désilets, Pacoon)
Possibilities to generate a paper grade “White Packaging” (Tobias Zirsch, REDWAVE)
12:15–13:00 Lunch break
Challenges in utilising paper for recycling for higher grade papers (Sandro Taske)
Panel discussion “Design for the circular economy” moderated by Alexander Tamm
- Bernd Büsing
- Peter Désilets
- Robin Huesmann
- Almut Reichart
14:45 Virtual mill and sorting plant visit with Robin Huesmann and Sandro Taske (online video with live explanations and answers to your questions)
Robin Huesmann
CIO Leipa Group GmbH
We must give consumers the chance to understand which paper packaging belongs in the blue bin and which in the yellow bin.
Bernd Büsing
Almut Reichart
German Environment Agency (UBA)
There is a tendency for some manufacturers to switch from easily recyclable plastic packaging to fibre-based composite packaging with limited recycling capability. A possible reason for this could be the “plastic debate”. Here it should be examined which (packaging) solution is actually more ecologically sound. More attention should be paid to the avoidance potentials.
Peter Désilets
Fibre-based packaging could be a meaningful alternative for plastic
Martin Drews
German Pulp and Paper Association (VDP)
Fibre-based packaging is particularly ecological because it can always be recycled.
Prof. Samuel Schabel
TU Darmstadt, PMV
Recyclability: on one hand an old topic, on the other a highly dynamic field today, where action on all sides is required in order to continue effective use of the advantages of recycling management.
Lydia Tempel
PTS Heidenau
Leipa Conference Center
Kuhheide 34
Register with Ms. Berger, phone +49 (7142) 375 22 21, or via e-mail with this registration form (download here).
Registration for online participation is still possible, the standard fee is 420 Euros.
Due to the requirements of the authorities all available seats on site are booked out.
For those who cannot be on site, the event will be streamed live with English simultaneous translation on the internet. Following the lecture programme, a virtual mill tour will be implemented as a live commentary with the opportunity to answer questions from the online audience.
Check in for the Livestream here! (Link will follow)

Recycled paper relieves the environment
• The process water requirement is two to seven times lower.
• The total energy requirement is two to four times lower.
• Paper recycling by a regional waste paper collection means a “paper of short distances”.
• The resource wood is conserved and is available for other uses. Competition for space is thus reduced.